国家/地区: 美国
推荐美剧《永远》在线观看由美剧天堂提供,该美剧2018年由美国人内详指导拍摄,演员玛娅·鲁道夫,弗莱德·阿米森,凯瑟琳·基纳,诺亚·罗宾斯等主演,主要讲述June and Oscar are a married couple who live a fortable-but-predictable life in suburban California. For years, theyamp;#39;ve had the same conversations, eaten the same meals, and taken vacations at the same rented lakehouse. But when June talks Oscar into shaking things up by taking a ski trip, the couple suddenly find themselves in pletely unfamiliar territory -- raising questions about love, mitment and their marriage.
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