语言/字幕:罗马尼亚语 / 英语
国家/地区: 罗马尼亚 / 德国
推荐美剧《间谍大师》在线观看由美剧天堂提供,该美剧2023年由美国人克里斯托弗·史密斯指导拍摄,演员安娜·乌拉鲁,艾丹·麦克阿德尔,尼克·迈瑞莱格伦等主演,主要讲述In 1978, a high-ranking spy from the Eastern Bloc defected to the West. Creators Adina Sădeanu and Kirsten Peters use this as a starting point for a game of spy poker between the CIA, Securitate, KGB and Stasi in which no one puts their cards on the table.
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